Summer is finally here, bringing high electric bills and the need to stay cool!
Home cooling is everyone’s biggest concern at this time of year, but keeping
a cool home is not hard to do. Here are several energy saving tips,
compliments of
A-1 Ocean Breeze located in
Santa Clarita California, to help a person truly enjoy the summer’s heat.
Using ceiling fans help with home cooling by decreasing the temperature of a room up to eight degrees cooler! Ceiling fans take considerably less power to operate than air conditioning units and help circulate cool air throughout a home at a low cost. When cooking in the kitchen, ceiling fans can be used to move warm air outside of the home.
One of the best energy saving tips for using air conditioning, is closing all windows and doors to prevent air leakage. Keeping doors and windows open while running the air conditioning, equals lost energy and higher bills. Also, making sure the AC filter system is clean improves air flow, while setting the thermostat between 72 and 80 degrees helps to save energy.
Covering the windows that get more sunlight exposure than others will help to keep a home cool during summer. Using curtains made to block sunlight on the windows where the sun shines through most often, helps to cool a home. Since the sun usually rises on one side of a home and sets on another side, certain rooms in a home will receive more sun than others.